Zurich Airport Traffic Surpasses Pre-Pandemic Levels

Zurich Airport Traffic Surpasses Pre-Pandemic Levels

Zurich Airport saw its highest passenger numbers since the start of the pandemic on December 22nd, exceeding even pre-pandemic levels.

Recovery Milestone

On Friday, December 22nd, approximately 90,000 travelers passed through Zurich Airport, according to a spokesperson.

This surpasses passenger volumes in 2019 when around 85,000 people traveled through the airport on peak days before Christmas.

The airport hit its lowest point during the first year of the pandemic in 2020 when passenger numbers dropped to just 17,000 on days before the holidays.

Numbers have steadily rebounded since then.

Holiday Travel Rebound

During the 12-day travel period between December 22nd and January 2nd last year, Zurich Airport averaged 65,000 passengers per day.

If early trends continue, this year’s holiday travel numbers will significantly surpass last year’s.

The rebound in travel indicates people are ready to fly again during the holidays, recovering from pandemic lows.

Zurich Airport’s pre-Christmas numbers show aviation may finally be leaving the pandemic slump behind.

Return to Pre-Pandemic Norms

With passenger volumes exceeding even 2019 levels, Zurich Airport’s traffic recovery signals a return to pre-pandemic travel norms.

As pandemic restrictions continue fading, passenger enthusiasm for holiday air travel looks poised to fully rebound.

ETIAS Impact on EU Travelers

The resurgence in air travel will lead to an influx of visitors to Switzerland from ETIAS-required countries.

When the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) launches in 2025, citizens of over 60 countries will need authorization to enter the Schengen Area.

Streamlined Entry for Pre-Approved Travelers

ETIAS will facilitate entry for pre-vetted, low-risk travelers.

By completing a simple online application, visitors can obtain multi-entry ETIAS authorization valid for three years.

This will smooth entry procedures and enhance security for all parties.

Boosting Tourism and Business Travel

Increased flight volumes to Zurich Airport will stimulate tourism and business travel from outside the EU.

ETIAS promises to provide secure and efficient entry for short-term visitors, boosting Schengen Area economies.