The European Free Trade Association and ETIAS

The European Free Trade Association and ETIAS

The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) stands as a striking example of Europe's post-World War II economic and political cooperation. A significant model of trade liberalization, EFTA has influenced Europe's socio-economic environment, navigated political currents, and played an often underappreciated role in shaping the European landscape we know today.

History of the EFTA


The EFTA was established on January 4, 1960, with the signing of the Stockholm Convention. The seven founding members were Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. This formation was a direct response to the creation of the European Economic Community (EEC), later known as the European Union (EU), which these seven countries didn't initially join due to sovereignty concerns and unique economic structures.


Over the years, the composition of the EFTA has shifted significantly. Denmark and the UK eventually joined the EEC in 1973, followed by Portugal in 1986 and Austria, Finland, and Sweden in 1995. These changes left the following four countries as the remaining and current EFTA members:

As the European landscape transformed with the expansion of the EU, the EFTA adapted. In 1992, it implemented the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement in collaboration with the EU. This agreement allowed EFTA members, except for Switzerland, to participate in the EU's Single Market without becoming EU members.

Purpose of the EFTA

The EFTA was designed with the following objectives in mind:

[1] Promoting Free Trade

The primary goal of the EFTA was to establish free trade among its member countries and support their economic growth. It eliminated customs duties on industrial products, and subsequently, the members experienced a significant surge in bilateral trade.

[2] Providing an Alternative to the EEC

The EFTA provided an alternative for European countries that wished to participate in a free trade area without committing to the EEC's deeper political integration. This structure allowed these countries to maintain greater national sovereignty while still reaping the benefits of economic cooperation.

[3] Enhancing Global Trade Relations

In addition to promoting regional trade, EFTA aimed to enhance global trade relations. It has negotiated numerous free trade agreements (FTAs) and declarations on cooperation with countries outside the EU, broadening the economic horizons of its members.

Impacts of the EFTA

The EFTA has had various impacts, both within its membership and beyond:

[A] Economic Growth and Prosperity

The EFTA has undoubtedly fostered economic growth among its member states. By removing trade barriers and promoting economic cooperation, it has facilitated economic expansion and prosperity.

[B] Influence on the EU

The EFTA's existence has significantly influenced the evolution of the EU. The model provided by EFTA inspired some of the EU's structural aspects, particularly in balancing economic integration with national sovereignty. EFTA members' accession to the EU over time also contributed to the EU's enlargement and increased diversity.

[C] Global Trade Dynamics

On the global scale, the EFTA has significantly influenced trade dynamics. Its numerous FTAs have created relationships with countries and regions worldwide, promoting globalization and making the EFTA a major player in the global economy.

[D] Social and Political Impacts

Beyond economics, the EFTA has also had social and political impacts. The shared policies and common goals have fostered social cohesion among member countries and strengthened their political ties. It has also influenced policy-making and governance structures within its member states.

How does ETIAS impact the EFTA countries?

The European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) is a visa-waiver system implemented by the European Union (EU) to strengthen the security of travel to the Schengen Area. It is planned to be operational by the end of 2025. The ETIAS aims to identify any potential security or migration risks associated with visa-free travelers entering the Schengen Zone, and it will be applicable to citizens from over 60 countries who can currently travel to the EU Schengen Zone without a visa.

The EFTA includes four member states: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland. All EFTA states, with the exception of Switzerland, are part of the Schengen Agreement, which removes passport control at the borders between the participating countries. Hence, the ETIAS will impact the EFTA members that are part of the Schengen Area.

For the three EFTA countries that are part of the Schengen Zone (Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway), their citizens will continue to enjoy freedom of movement within the Schengen Area and will not require an ETIAS to travel to other Schengen countries. For Switzerland, even though it is not part of the EU or EEA, it has numerous bilateral agreements with the EU and is part of the Schengen Area. Therefore, Swiss citizens also won't need ETIAS for intra-Schengen travel.

However, travelers from non-Schengen, non-EU countries visiting EFTA states within the Schengen Zone will need to comply with ETIAS requirements. This implies that these EFTA states will benefit from the enhanced security checks performed through the ETIAS.

So, while the EFTA as an organization doesn't directly impact the ETIAS, the involvement of EFTA countries in the Schengen Zone means that the ETIAS affects how citizens of non-Schengen, non-EU countries, such the USA and Canada travel to EFTA states within the Schengen Zone. The ETIAS is designed to increase the overall security of the Schengen Area, which indirectly benefits EFTA states that are part of it by enhancing their security environment.


The European Free Trade Association, while often overshadowed by the larger and more politically integrated European Union, has played a pivotal role in shaping post-World War II Europe. As a dynamic and adaptable organization, it has fostered economic growth and development for its members while exerting a wider influence on global trade dynamics. Despite its changes over the years, the EFTA continues to hold a significant place in the European and global economic landscape. Through its ongoing evolution, it continues to highlight the enduring relevance of trade liberalization and economic cooperation in our increasingly interconnected world.