How To Apply for a Digital Nomad Visa in Malta

How To Apply for a Digital Nomad Visa in Malta

Being a digital nomad is one of the most coveted lifestyles in the modern world. There are countless reasons to want it — constantly traveling, meeting new people, and consistent adventure in your life. As long as you have a healthy taste for adventure and excitement, becoming a digital nomad is one of the best things you can do.

If you want to become a digital nomad, then Malta might be your place. The island nation is one of Europe's most popular destinations for those who want to work remotely — especially freelancers. 

In this article, we'll explain: 

  • What is a digital nomad visa
  • Who can apply to be a digital nomad in Malta
  • Why Malta is an ideal place for creatives and entrepreneurs alike
  • How to get your freelance visa in this beautiful country

What Is a Digital Nomad? 

A digital nomad is a person who works remotely from anywhere. They earn an income through their online presence, such as websites and social media channels. Digital nomads can work remotely in a variety of fields. Digital nomads can work in any area that can be done remotely, including the tech sector, travel industry, and more.

Many people travel for a little while before settling down to work on their projects or start a new business, but digital nomads travel for extended periods and might even go back home to work every few months or so. The critical difference between these two types of travelers is that digital nomads tend to make their living from their online presence (their websites and social media profiles) rather than relying solely on savings or limited freelance contracts.

Digital nomads can work remotely in various fields, including: 

  • Accounting
  • Data science
  • Finance
  • Social media

They can also find work in the travel industry and other more flexible industries with remote working arrangements. As long as you can do your job from a laptop, you should be entirely capable of leading a lifestyle as a digital nomad.

Why Should You Be a Digital Nomad in Malta? 

Malta is a beautiful island with a great climate. It is also an excellent place to relax and enjoy life, but it’s also a great place to work and make money. Malta is the perfect place to start your own business, as this country has low taxes and very little bureaucracy.

About Malta

Malta is a small island in the Mediterranean Sea between Italy and Tunisia. Its beautiful weather, historical sites, and gorgeous beaches are known for their beautiful weather. 

It's also known for being a hub for digital nomads due to its abundance of coworking spaces and internet speeds faster than most other places on earth (which is essential when you work remotely). 

Additionally, its visa-free programs allow you to live there without worrying about getting deported or running into immigration problems.

Life in Malta

You can enjoy life by taking advantage of Malta's stunning beaches while working on your laptop at a cafe and making money online. You can relax while enjoying the comfort of your home and taking advantage of Malta's low cost of living. 

While many countries tend to make it reasonably difficult to live in them for an extended period, Malta is a fantastic destination for digital nomads looking for a medium to long-term stay in a foreign country. 

Combine that with the exceptional connectivity you can find in Malta, and you’re sure to find one of your favorite places to stay as a digital nomad.

How To Apply for a Freelance Visa in Malta

If you’re a freelancer in the online writing business, you should know that Malta has some of the most attractive visa requirements for digital nomads.

Residence Permits for Employment and Self-Employment

The country offers freelancers a set of visas called “Residence Permits for Employment and Self-Employment,” which can be obtained by both Maltese citizens and non-citizens. 

The permit comes in three flavors: short term (valid for up to 90 days), long term (valid for up to 18 months), or permanent (valid indefinitely). 

All three types offer the same benefits: no need to renew after initial approval and an exemption from paying tax on your income while there.

How To Obtain Your Residence Permits for Employment and Self-Employment

The first step to getting your freelance visa is to apply for a residence permit. You can do this from the country you currently reside in or the country you plan on staying in for at least six months. 

Once you have applied, the Malta Residence and Visa Unit will review your application and let you know if it's been accepted or not. If it has been accepted, then congratulations. You are now legally able to work as a digital nomad in Malta.

However, before jumping into this new adventure, there are some things that every aspiring digital nomad needs before they arrive: 

  1. Health insurance (make sure there’s no waiting period)
  2. Bank account (to receive payment)
  3. Tax number (to file taxes)
  4. European Health Insurance Card (for medical emergencies while traveling)
  5. European Travel Insurance (if traveling outside of Europe)

What Are the Eligibility Requirements for Being a Digital Nomad in Malta? 

If you want to apply to be a digital nomad in Malta, the government has a few different eligibility requirements that you will need to meet. However, these are generally very easy to complete, especially compared to almost all other countries worldwide with these benefits.

You will need to meet these requirements: 

  • Have a monthly income of at least 2700 euros
  • Have consistent contractual work from an employer or employers who are registered in foreign countries
  • Offer services to clients on a freelance basis who are based in foreign countries. 
  • Have a passport or other valid travel document that you can use
  • Have health insurance that can cover you during your time staying in Malta
  • Cover accommodations for yourself while you’re living in Malta, which generally means having a rental place or a house 
  • Pass the background check that all foreigners will have to go through
  • Pay the 300 euro application fee, as well as cover the cost for all dependent family members who are living with you

When it comes to submitting your application to Malta for consideration, you have a couple of different options:

You can submit your application at the Malta embassy in your home country. You can do this if you have a passport from one of the countries with diplomatic relations with Malta (Austria, Germany, France, Italy, and the UK).

You can also submit your application online through VFS Global. If you don't have an eligible passport or submitting an application directly at the Malta embassy is too inconvenient for whatever reason (maybe they don't have an office where you live?), this option is perfect for you.

Is there an alternative to a Digital Nomad Visa?

If you would like to trial life as a digital nomad in Europe, consider first applying for an ETIAS. On an approved ETIAS, you can visit your EU country of choice for up to 90 days, per 180 day period, while working on your business. This will enable you to have the flexibility to try living in a few different EU countries before selecting your location to apply for a Digital Nomad Visa, be it in Malta or elsewhere.

EU travel authorization rules frequently change but you can keep yourself informed by following the current ETIAS requirements.


The Malta digital nomad visa is a great way to live and work in a beautiful country with many benefits for digital nomads. The visa is perfect for freelancers, entrepreneurs, remote workers, and even retirees who want a new adventure. It's also an affordable option compared to other European countries with similar programs like Spain or Portugal.

If you are interested in applying for a digital nomad visa, you can do so by following the above guide. You will need to fill out an application form, submit evidence of your income and identity, and pay a fee. Once you have done this, you will be informed if your application has been accepted or rejected within two months of submitting it.



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