Hungary’s Tourism Industry Soars to Record Heights in 2023

Hungary’s Tourism Industry Soars to Record Heights in 2023

Hungary’s tourism sector flourished in 2023, reaching and even surpassing pre-pandemic levels last seen in 2019 according to data unveiled on January 25th.

Strong Growth Driven by Both Domestic and International Travelers

Preliminary statistics indicate that approximately 16 million tourists spent 41 million guest nights in Hungary last year per Zoltán Guller, head of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ).

Total revenue for tourism accommodations climbed 23% year-over-year to HUF 860 billion (EUR 2.2 billion).

Catering establishments also fared well, with guests spending HUF 1,780 billion (EUR 4.62 billion)—up 18%.

Of the 16 million visitors, 7.1 million were international, representing an 18% increase over 2022.

Commercial lodgings registered 1.3 million more guest nights compared to the prior year, an impressive feat considering international conflicts were estimated to have reduced 2023's guest nights by one million.

Positive Momentum Expected in 2024

Guller expressed optimism that the strong growth will continue, bolstered by sustained demand amongst both domestic and foreign travelers.

For those looking to visit Hungary, the country seems poised to offer more options than ever before.

Expanded Travel Options for EU Visitors with Upcoming ETIAS

The tourism boom bodes well for EU citizens looking to visit Hungary, who will benefit from more diverse and affordable options than ever before.

With the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) visa waiver program launching in May 2025, entry requirements will also be streamlined.

While ETIAS does not directly impact immigration policy, the easing of travel restrictions reflects Hungary’s openness to visitors and may inspire some to ultimately pursue residency or investment locally long-term.

Economic Strength Adding Appeal for Relocation

Beyond tourism, Hungary’s economic strength evidenced by the thriving hospitality industry makes it an increasingly appealing destination for long-term relocation as well.

As quality of life incentives beckon more new residents in years ahead, streamlined ETIAS access offers a welcoming glimpse towards building a life in Hungary for EU citizens.

Tourism Sector Poised for Continued Prosperity

The positive momentum within Hungary’s thriving tourism industry shows no signs of slowing down.

As both domestic and international demand remains strong amidst a diverse range of high-quality offerings throughout the country, experts predict that the influx of eager visitors and their vital contributions will continue enriching local economies.

With sustained growth over 2022’s impressive figures and recovery beyond pre-pandemic thresholds, Hungary is setting up 2024 to be another landmark year for showcasing its colorful history and culture to the world.