Low-Stress European Cities Top Rankings for Relaxed Living

Low-Stress European Cities Top Rankings for Relaxed Living

Several European cities have topped the list of the world’s least stressed cities in 2023, according to a new survey.

The study by insurance company William Russell ranked cities globally based on factors like cleanliness, financial stress, and LGBTQ+ safety.

Portugal Crowned Least Stressed Country

Portugal claimed the title of the world’s least stressed country this year, rising significantly in the rankings from 2022.

The country scored highly for LGBTQ+ acceptance and affordable living costs, which averaged £538 per month. This marks a steep increase from £451 last year.

Vienna, Austria retained its title as the world’s least stressed city for expats. It moved up from second place last year, beating out other European cities like Munich and Edinburgh.

Vienna was recognized for its high quality of life, ample green spaces, and low poverty rates.

Munich and Edinburgh Follow Close Behind

The German city of Munich took second place, boasting the second highest quality of parks and green areas.

Edinburgh, Scotland claimed third place overall for its relaxed pace of living.

Europe Dominates Top Spots

The vast majority of the 10 least stressed cities were located in Europe, with only Dubai breaking the trend.

Cities were ranked based on pollution levels, cost of living, LGBTQ+ safety, and overall quality of life.

Expat Living Presents Unexpected Challenges

While many envision stress-free bliss abroad, the survey revealed the unforeseen struggles of expat living.

Challenges like finding work, arranging health insurance, and assimilating to a new culture can provoke anxiety.

However, by choosing locations with a high quality of life, expats can reduce stress significantly.

ETIAS to Introduce New Requirements for Stress-Free EU Access

The relaxed atmosphere of Europe’s least stressed cities will soon be protected by the upcoming European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS).

Launching in May 2025, ETIAS will require travelers from visa-exempt countries to apply for authorization before entering the EU Schengen Area.

This includes visitors, immigrants, digital nomads, and students hoping to bask in Europe’s low-stress lifestyle.

ETIAS aims to maintain safety while preserving leisurely EU access.

Immigration Policy Shifts to Prioritize Low-Stress Values

As Portugal and other European countries top livability rankings, their immigration policies are evolving to align with low-stress priorities.

The EU Skills and Talent Directive indicates a shift toward attracting skilled immigrants who value good work-life balance.

With ample green spaces and LGBTQ+ rights, these destinations are growing more selective toward immigrants and long-term residents who cherish relaxed European living.

For investors, families, and students seeking the unhurried joy of Portugal, flexible immigration pathways persist.

Pursuing a Purer Peace of Mind in Europe

The comprehensive report provides keen insight for expats seeking an improved lifestyle abroad.

With ample green spaces and LGBTQ+ tolerance, European cities like Lisbon, Vienna, and Munich allow residents to live relaxed, low-stress lives.