Denmark Raises Citizenship Fee to 6,000 Kroner

Denmark Raises Citizenship Fee to 6,000 Kroner

The Danish government and the Liberal Alliance party have agreed to raise the fee for foreigners applying from 4,000 to 6,000 kroner (€536 to €804).

This increase is intended to more accurately cover the costs of processing the applications.

Repeat application fee introduced

Besides raising the application fee, the agreement also introduces a 3,000 kroner (€402) charge for applicants who submit more than one re-application after being rejected the first time.

Previously, people who were rejected could re-apply as many times as they wanted without paying extra.

The first re-application will still be free.

Exception for young Danish applicants

Young people born or raised in Denmark will not have to pay the higher fee.

Their application fee will stay at 4,000 kroner because of Denmark’s special international responsibilities towards them.

Agreement is “only fair”

Immigration and Integration Minister Kaare Dybvad Bek said he is happy with the agreement. 

He believed that it was fair that the fee matches the actual costs of processing applications. 

He also mentioned that many applicants get rejected multiple times, and it is not fair for them to keep reapplying without paying, as it costs money to handle these re-applications.

Closing citizenship loopholes

Immigration law spokesperson Heidi Bank said that it is important to review the citizenship rules to prevent people from taking advantage of them.

She said the higher fees and re-application charges are necessary to fix this problem.

Balancing strict rules and fairness

Immigration law spokesperson Mohammad Rona said that Denmark has strict rules for obtaining citizenship, and these should not change.

However, he agreed that some people apply many times and get refused, which causes extra work and delays.

He said the higher fees are a fair way to deal with this problem.

Fees should reflect processing costs

Immigration law spokesperson Sandra Elisabeth Skalvig from the Liberal Alliance said that the fees for applying for citizenship should match the processing costs.

She believes that the fee changes are a step in the right direction and will help make sure that fewer people apply for citizenship if they do not meet the necessary requirements.

The fee changes will be made by updating the Citizenship Act, which will be reviewed by the Folketing in the next session.

Ripples beyond Danish borders

The increase in Danish citizenship application fees might indirectly affect European Union (EU) visitors and immigrants, especially those planning to stay long-term or move permanently.

While this change doesn't directly affect the ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorization System) or Schengen visas, it could influence people thinking about moving to Denmark for work, study, or investment.

Prospective students, digital nomads, and families considering settling in Denmark might take the higher costs into account when making their decisions.

However, the fee increase is unlikely to discourage most EU visitors or short-term travelers, as it mainly impacts those seeking permanent residency and citizenship.

Navigating naturalization costs

The increase in the Danish citizenship application fee and the new charge for re-applying aim to match the costs of processing applications.

The government and its supporters think these changes are needed to keep the citizenship process fair.

However, some people might argue that the higher costs could discourage eligible applicants from applying for citizenship.