Bulgaria’s Tourism Revenue Surpasses Pre-Pandemic Levels in November 2023

Bulgaria’s Tourism Revenue Surpasses Pre-Pandemic Levels in November 2023

Bulgaria’s tourism revenue in November 2023 exceeded pre-pandemic levels, marking a strong recovery for the industry.

According to data from the National Statistical Institute (NSI), revenue from overnight stays reached 69.1 million BGN ($38.2 million), surpassing November 2019’s 42.8 million BGN.

Domestic Travelers Lead the Growth

The 26 million BGN increase represents a 12.8% rise over November 2022. Bulgarian visitors contributed 46.3 million BGN, a 17.4% increase over November 2019, while foreigners spent 22.8 million BGN, up 5.1%.

Despite a slight 0.6 percentage point occupancy rate dip to 23.8%, positive trends emerged across accommodation categories.

Four- and five-star hotels reported 30.1% occupancy, followed by 24.3% for three-star, and 16.2% for one- and two-star establishments.

Number of Accommodations and Bed Spaces Expand

In November, Bulgaria offered 2,066 accommodation establishments with 59,600 rooms and 123,100 bed spaces.

While establishments dipped 0.3%, bed spaces grew 4.1% year-over-year.

Overnight Stays and Arrivals Show Momentum

Overnight stays held steady at 855,200.

Bulgarians accounted for 636,200 nights, while foreigners stayed 219,000 nights.

Four- and five-star accommodations captured significant non-resident (70.2%) and national (43.1%) overnight stays.

Overall arrivals increased 5.5% to 424,700, including a 7.1% rise for Bulgarians and 0.8% for foreigners.

Arrivals also expanded by 11.5% in November 2019.

Bulgarians and Foreigners Increase Stays

Bulgarian residents totaled 322,800 stays, averaging two nights, while 101,900 foreigners stayed 2.1 nights on average.

The positive data signals Bulgaria’s tourism industry is recovering well from the pandemic downturn.

As the country continues attracting domestic and foreign travelers, the growth trajectory indicates the pre-pandemic performance levels could become norms rather than outliers in the coming years.

Schengen Access Imminent as Tourism Thrives

With Bulgaria’s booming tourism numbers and upcoming entry into the Schengen zone this March, EU visitors and prospective immigrants have bright prospects.

As the nation prepares for expanded visa-free access and cross-border movement, its resurgent tourism revenues indicate readiness to handle the traffic boost.

After receiving Schengen approval, Bulgaria is poised to reap substantial benefits this spring when existing border controls vanish.

Given the nation continues outperforming pre-pandemic tourism metrics as the Schengen green light nears, the stage looks set for significant future growth.

Strong Tourism Aligns with Schengen Plans

Now that EU ministers have voted to approve Bulgaria’s long-awaited Schengen membership, the country’s thriving tourism industry demonstrates perfect timing.

With sector revenues, foreign visitors, and accommodation offerings reaching new heights just months before obtaining expanded travel access in March 2024, Bulgaria seems capable of harnessing these trends to drive prosperity.

As the nation counts down to lifting all internal European border controls, these indicators spotlight its infrastructure and abilities to harness the upcoming Schengen boost.

With tourism surging, Bulgaria appears ready to make the most of its hard-won open borders within Europe.

Bright Outlook for Bulgaria’s Tourism Sector

With increased accommodation capacity and steady rises in both domestic and international visitors and overnights, Bulgaria is poised for a strong tourism comeback.

If current trends persist, the country could consistently surpass its pre-COVID tourism metrics and revenue in the long run.

For tourists seeking underrated European destinations rich in natural beauty, history, and culture, Bulgaria may prove an ideal spot to visit in 2024 and beyond.